Why We Deliver Our Flowers Still in Bud

Date Posted: 14/10/2022

When you get a flower delivery from Flowers by Post, you will realise our flowers are in bud. But why do we do this, and what are the benefits? Find out here.

Flower deliveries can be special moments.

Who doesn't love opening your door to a bouquet so big that you can't even see the person who is holding it?

A great thing about bouquets of flowers is that none are the same.

Some are big, such as our bountiful collection, and some are much smaller, such as our chrysanthemum white flowers.

What some people don't know, is that some flowers are delivered at different stages of their life, and not all are in full bloom.

Some may not even have bloomed yet.

At flowersbypost.com, all of our beautiful bouquets are delivered whilst still in bud. Since our early days on a Jersey market stall, to the modern day, we have supplied flowers at this stage of their life.

But why do we do this? And how can you help make the most of your buds?

Let's take a look.

What Does Bud to Bloom Mean?

As a flower moves through its life, it transitions between forms.

One of the early stages of a flower's life is when it is still in bud.

This is when the stem may be fully grown, but the flower itself is still tightly wrapped up and not yet blossoming.

This can be confusing to many people who are expecting a flowing bouquet packed with colours, but receive something slightly smaller, but do not fear, as it usually only takes a few days for a bud to transition into a bloom.

This is when the flower opens up and spreads its petals.

This is a lovely stage of the life of a flower, and the beauty of getting fresh flowers delivered that are still in bud form, is that you get to witness them really come to life right in front of your eyes.

With flowers packed with colour, such as Alstoemeria, seeing this burst into life is a real joy.


Why Do We Send Flowers Still in Bud?

This is a good question.

There are many reasons why sending flowers in bud form can make for a great, long-lasting bouquet.

It Makes the Flowers Stronger for Delivery

I you've ever received a bouquet then you will know how fragile it is. When already in bloom, flowers contain many parts such as petals which are easily damaged.

Luckily, we go through strict protocols to ensure our deliveries are always safe and secure, but just to make extra sure, we send our flowers still in bud.

This is because while tightly wrapped in this form, the flower itself is much stronger, and the precious petals aren't outstretched and therefore at more risk of damage.

They Last Longer

Another reason for sending flowers in bud is that unfortunately, not all flowers last a long time. Therefore, if you can prolong the life of your flower, it can be a big boost and allow you to enjoy your bouquet for a little extra.

While there are many things you can do to keep your flowers as vibrant and full of life as they can be for longer, having them arrive in bud form can also lend a hand.

This is because you get the flowers right at the beginning of their life, and therefore you see them at their best for as many days as possible.

You Get to Enjoy the Blossoming Phase

As we've mentioned earlier in the blog, being able to witness your flowers burst into life and move from bud to bloom is a really thrilling time.

It may only take a few hours, or a few days, but when you begin to see the petals spread out it can really add another element to your bouquet and can be fun for the entire family.

A collection of buds may also spend a few days slowly opening up at different times, which can also be really great to see as you watch your bouquet grow.

You get a More Complete Bouquet for Longer

Some of our flower collections contain many different species.

With a wealth of different shapes and colours to choose from, these bouquets make a great statement, such as our sunrise sensation bouquet.

While some flowers may live long lives such as roses which are notoriously tough, others do not. Plants such as lilies don't have such a long lifespan, so to ensure your bouquet lasts as long as possible, we supply these in bud form.

That way, your lilies will last just as long as your roses, and you can watch your bouquet transform as the petals burst into life.


How to Look After Your Buds and Blooms

The first thing you should do with any bouquet as you receive it is place it in water.

Depending on where you live, it can be a long journey from the moment they leave our team to the moment they get placed in the vase, so make sure they have plenty of water and that the stems are cut at an angle to give them plenty of space to suck up them nutrients (don't forget to add the flower food that comes with every one of our deliveries).

Another thing you must remember is to be patient. The flowers will bloom at their own pace. Whether that's straight away, or in a few days, so don't rush them or give up on a bouquet if you think the buds aren't blooming.

As long as you're caring for them, have them in the right environment, and are providing plenty of water, they're sure to spread their petals and brighten up your home soon.

Fresh Flowers from flowersbypost.com

A bouquet of flowers makes a great gift on every occasion.

While it can be confusing to initially see a bouquet in bud, the results when the bloom finally comes are long-lasting and sure to look great.

If you want to know more about our flowers, or want to speak about making an order, get in touch with one of our team today.
